
About Us

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Providing Sporting Apps & Utilities. We currently have many sports related apps on the BlackBerry App World & Google Play Store available for both Smartphones & tablets.

Saturday 27 October 2012


Thanks to all of you who participated in our poll, the results will help us to produce apps that you guys would like to see appearing in the store. We are currently working very hard to bring a few key updates to our current apps along with some new ones being released very soon so stay tuned to our Facebook & Twitter pages as well as this blog to see all the key news and updates. We would also like to thank all of you have purchased or downloaded any of our apps, the support has immensely helped us and our team, the download numbers have stretched way beyond we would've ever predicted! Thank you all! We will use this as motivation to continue bringing you great apps (:

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Stay Posted!

Don't forget to keep up to date by following our Twitter & liking our Facebook page! (:
Follow @Limeworks14 on Twitter!
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Saturday 13 October 2012

International Break

Many stars from Europe's top leagues were seen in action recently. World Cup 2014 Qualifiers saw many teams in action, how did your team do?

Friday 12 October 2012


We are terribly sorry for the lack of updates recently! We have been working on updates for our existing apps along with making a few new ones which is the reason for our delay! Stay tuned to our twitter & facebook for further updates too (: